About us

PhytoQuest owns science to innovate natural ingredients and compounds in the high-margin healthy-living products emerging from the convergence of food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.


PhytoQuest traces its history back to 1999 when Prof. Robert Nash founded MolecularNature Limited (MNL) as a spin-off of the UK's Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER). In 2006, MNL was bought by Summit Plc and in 2009 an MBO allowed for the formation of PhytoQuest Ltd.


Dr. Robert Nash

Dr. Nash leads PhytoQuest and is a global leader in the field of phytochemistry. He spent the first decade of his post-doctoral work focused "on anti-viral agents with the Medical Research Council AIDS-Directed Programme" at King's College London and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. He then moved to IGER as the head of its chemistry group, and was a founding director of MNL and founded its holding company, MNL Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dr Nash has published over 200 scientific publications and patents, and he was awarded the 1st Pierre-Fabre Award of the Phytochemical Society of Europe in 2001. Robert gives many international conference presentations and media interviews.

Dr. Barbara Bartholomew

Dr. Bartholomew is an experienced biochemist and is responsible for bioassays and project management.

Dr. Jackie Hollinshead

Organic Chemist
Dr. Hollinshead is a synthetic chemist by training and expert in structural elucidation and purifications.

Hazel Sharp BSc

Natural Products Chemist
Hazel has extensive commercial experience in compound purification and IT data management.

Yana Penkova MSc

Business Development
Yana is an agronomist who specialised in herbal medicines and food plants. She has long business experience in the chemical industry utilising her masters in Organic Chemistry.