Research and analysis


Dr Nash has published over 200 scientific publications and patents, and he was awarded the 1st Pierre-Fabre Award of the Phytochemical Society of Europe in 2001.

Download here below an excerpt of a paper on Steviamine:
PhytoQuest owns science that can drive clearer, deeper, and more complete understanding of the natural ingredients and compounds used in such industries as food & beverages, herbal medicines, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Technology platform

Our ability to analyze, isolate, and identify ingredients and compounds is unique and unmatched. This means we can discover active components and often isolate novel structures; we rely on our proven PhytoQuest Fingerprint processes, which have been applied in hundreds of real-world analytic environments. Once isolated, we can further identify the properties of the components and are expert in quickly developing appropriate methods for confirming the activities relevant to in vivo applications. This new level of knowledge yields IP and/or marketing benefits.

Compound libraries

Our databases of analytical results are available to help researchers reach new and better conclusions much faster. The Phytopure and Fraction libraries describe pure mainly non-polar compounds and less pure non-polar compounds, respectively. Phytopure alone covers approximately 1100 compounds, of which 700 are novel. The Diversity collection supports the exploration of commercially-available compounds by providing approximately 100 diversity compounds on micro-titre plates for screening purposes. Our Iminosugars knowledge, unavailable elsewhere, includes over 100 with ongoing isolation, characterisation and biological evaluation.

Proprietary knowledge

Our company has invested in a solid IP base and maintains other proprietary knowledge assets. We have partnered with major global brands. Our clients benefit from our pipeline of assets and our unique insights and approaches to the commercialization of plant-derived compounds.